Kectil World Youth Network

Developing Skills Beyond Education in Preparation for life skills in the 21st Century

May 06, 2023 Kectil Season 1 Episode 8

In this episode, listen to Ashwathy take Daniel through her fascinating entrepreneurial journey as an inspirational youth! Ashwathy is a TEDx Speaker, Social Entrepreneur, and Co-Founder of Avasarshala, a platform in India that connects students with aspirational opportunities, identifies their interests, and connects them to the correct prospects through a personalized recommendation engine based on their age and location. She is the People’s Choice Awardee at Youth Co: Lab India 2020 (in partnership with Atal incubation Mission and UNDP India).  Ashwathy is also a Kectil International Youth Leader, Curator of Global Shaper Community- Trivandrum Hub (an initiative of World Economic Forum), cohort member at Cherie Blair Foundation Mentoring Women in Business 2021, Indian Ambassador for Digital Grassroots Program, Wedu Changemakers Rising Star for 2020, Vital Voices GROW Fellow 2020, inSIG 2020 Fellow, Youth IGF India 2020 Fellow, a Member of Internet Society- Trivandrum Chapter, Headstart Volunteer, public speaker and a thought leader who wishes to guide young minds to make their life enjoyable- one day at a time. Enjoy listening to her contribution in developing skills beyond education in preparation for life skills for the 21st Century!