Kectil World Youth Network

Voice of the Kazakhstan youth. State of the nation

November 10, 2023 Season 2 Episode 9

Ever thought of having a taste of horse milk or meat? Whether yes or no, you will surely be intrigued to learn about the rich nation- Kazakhstan! It is the largest landlocked country and one with the longest boarder in the world, spanning more than 7,500 kilometers with Russia to the North, the Caspian Sea to the south-west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic to the south, and China to the east. The name Kazakh translates to independent wanderer. This speaks to the nation’s ancient history as nomads and the deep-rooted spirit of independence in Kazakh culture. 

Join our conversation with Fatima Baimakhanova as she takes us through an exploratory conversation about her country Kazakhstan including their youth, culture, politics, economy, religion, education and diplomatic relation with other countries.